full well that there are many persons whom I would describe as "true" transexuals and 2) that I am all in favor of such persons finding surgeons who are able and willing to relieve them of their lifes bur- den through surgery. But you may have noticed that
I referred to "true" transsexuals and you ask what are they? So, as in all good discussions, let us start with a definition of terms. I would define a transsexual (male type) as being one who felt inade- quate, inappropriate, inefficient, and uncomfortable in the masculine role and who was also inadequate and unhappy in the male role. Such a person believes that in the female sex he will find release from these negative feelings and in the feminine gender will be able to be an efficient, comfortable, happy and effective member of society.
Note that I distinguish between female sex and feminine gender. I believe that the true transsex- ual must have a distaste for or an inability in both the sex and gender roles simultaneously to qualify as such. The TV can feel more at ease in the femin- ine gender without having to give up his maleness to do it. Now inherant in this sort of definition is the dissatisfaction with the role of the so called active or aggressive partner in sexual activity.... that of being the "insertor", as it has been called. This implies an unfulfilled yearning to be the "in- sertee" or the recipient in the sexual act. To put it bluntly a true TS must have a conscious or un- conscious wish to receive a male penis.
Some readers will say to themselves that this is the same as saying that TSs are just homosexuals with surgery. No, not as a general thing, they are not but some who have made the change were just homo- sexual penis-receivers before surgery and the only difference after surgery is that they can now do it in front and with a straight male without fear of contradiction as to their femaleness. No, as I see it a transvestite is a male who finds extra pleasure and comfort in the gender aspect of the female-fem-